Kassner, Alois
1887 - 1970
Title: Green portrait
Date: c. 1930
Title: Elephant w/ locket
Size: 26 x 17
Date: 1930
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Elephant/Yellow
Size: 1/4 sheet
Date: c. 1930
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Toto, Vanishing elephant
Size: 37.5 x 55
Date: 1929
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Portrait w/ globe
Size: 26 x 36
Date: 1925
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Levitation
Size: 75 x 26
Date: c. 1930
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Drinks and animals
Size: 19 x 55 inches
Date: c. 1930
Lithographer: Friedlander
Title: Kassner cannon
Date: c. 1930
Lithographer: Friedlander
Vintage magic posters and related items from
the golden age of magic, 1890 - 1930.
Index: [A-G] [H-0] [P-Z] [Posters for sale] [Photos]